Monday, July 30, 2018

A little reminder - Day 1 thoughts

I've been recording elsewhere up until my decision to write this blog... I'll add the bits I think are interesting!

So, who knows what goes on in the mind of an alcoholic when they decide after 8 months sober that it would be a good idea to pick up the drink again - it definitely wasn't a good idea and I am finally understanding why there is the belief that dealing with this issue is extremely progressive.

Few binges later and a disaster of a holiday here I am again - few changes afoot however from the last time

1. I have sought help from an individual from AA instead of just going to the one meeting a week and not really getting involved I am now determined to learn about the 12 steps and hopefully get a sponsor
2. My Husband has decided to change his lifestyle to help support me
3. I have been honest with my parents

Determined to take it one day at a time - I can also recommend Russell Brands Recovery Book - i'm only one chapter in but his explanation of the steps is excellent so far.

I definitely can't do this on my own.

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