Sunday, July 29, 2018

Going sober

I have been considering blogging for quite some time, but unsure really - who would want to read my rants and wittering's! BUT then it dawned on me, I get so much from reading about other peoples experiences, maybe someone out there might find what I've got to say of some help and maybe I could form some online friendships that will help me.

A little about me,

I am 38 years old, married with one amazing dog! and I am going sober again.. yes, I've tried before.. well properly tried - but last year I convinced myself after 8 months off the pop that I'd be able to drink like a 'normal person' and it would definitely make my strained relationship better (oh yeah that happened) so off I went into what I refer to as an "almighty relapse" that lasted about 6 months - it nearly took my marriage and me with it so... I started again.

I'll keep writing
SB x

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