Monday, July 30, 2018

Monday no blues

Monday... this used to be the most dreaded day of my week and not for the normal reasons that others dread Monday, oh no - today was the day i'd be 1. hanging and 2. unable to drink anymore to make myself feel better

Sundays would often be argument filled, i'd often end up sleeping in the spare room after drinking my way through the day - sometimes in secret and sometimes not so secret - I would listen to depressing heartrending music or watch weepy films - feeling sorry for myself anyway and determined to make myself even sadder.. by the time the alarm went off the saddness was off the scale

I often wonder how I got away with Mondays - sometimes I didn't make it in, and that would follow with several more days off, trying to make it look more convincing.. what I do know now though is that I never want to go back there - that was an awful time I it was repeat to fade all to often

I don't like Mondays now for the normal reasons, back to work and no lie in! It's nice to be normal

Here is to a good week of hangover free mornings!

SB x

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